Monday, 23 March 2015

@Alan Adaptation (B): Rose-Red Bear Suit Development

Bear Suit Development

I have gone forward to develop Rose-Red's Bear Suit and I have come up with some designs for my preferred option below. Any idea which one works the most? I personally prefer numbers (1) & (3). I plan to develop the one chosen a bit further.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Heidi

    Yes I like 1 and 3 too however I think they both suffer from the same problem...The mid section of the character (upper chest to lower pelvis) feel a little blank/ open. They are both very symmetrical too. You could try adding an overlapping crossing pattern (left shoulder to right waist / right sjoulder to left waist) for example. You may also want to try the same across the pelvis. Design 4 has an interesting mid detail that may add something too. Think dynamic flow (even if its in small ways).
