Wallace & Gromit: Curse of the Ware-Rabbit is a British stop-Motion comedy animation directed by Nick Park and Steve Box in collaboration with Aardman Animations and Dream Works. The film is based on the Wallace & Gromit film series that continues to follow the hilarious pet dog Gromit and his crazy owner Wallace, who is voiced by Peter Sallis. The second length feature film after Chicken Run. The film has won many film awards and was the first ever stop-motion film to win one.
The film follows the daily routine of the pest control agents Wallace and Gromit as they aim to keep the town safe for the upcoming Tottington Hall 'Giant Vegetable Competition'. They use a whole range of Wallaces' inventions to capture and detain rabbits who run rampant through neighborly gardens; which soon turns into a spoof of the classic hammer horror's with pride. The highly eccentric characters and the talent of the animation itself grows ever more British as the film continues.
I would recommend this film to anyone and everyone as it appeals to all ages. From the highly amusing 'lack of words' expressed through body language from Gromit and the love of cheese that Wallace craves; this enjoyable film sticks to the classic Wallace & Gromit we all know and love.